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  • Writer's pictureJanet Few

All Good Things Come in Nines - more women have their stories told

The stories are pouring in now. Here are nine more women from the inebriates' homes for you. This is a great selection, with some really substantial accounts; something that's definitely not always possible with these ladies.

Today we have yet more aliases; I do think Marjorie O'Brien deciding to call herself Valerie St. Quentin was particularly fanciful. You can see a map of Annie Banks' haunts, there's a mass of detail about the exploits of Minnie O'Shea and much more. You can read stories of abandonment, of illegitimacy, of accident and underlying them all, the toxic relationship that these women had with alcohol.

The latest stories are: Ellen Aldridge, Annie Banks, Alice Jones, Margaret Lynch, Marjorie O'Brien, Minnie O'Shea, Joanna Regan, Bridget Sullivan and Norah Sullivan.



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